An Evening with Temple Grandin and Eustacia Cutler
[su_button url=”https://www.durandac.org/event-registration” background=”#0962bc” color=”#f7f6f6″ size=”7″ icon=”icon: hand-o-up” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Tickets, Ads & Sponsorships[/su_button]
- 5:00pm-6:00pm – Registration
- 6:00pm-8:00pm – Event
As Executive Director of Durand, Inc. where “Individuals with special needs learn and grow,” I am pleased to announce the upcoming special event, “An Evening with Temple Grandin and Eustacia Cutler.” This speaking engagement will take place at the Enterprise Center at BCC in Mt. Laurel, NJ, on April 22, 2015.
As you may know, Dr. Grandin is an internationally acclaimed activist in the fields of autism and animal behavior. Her work is unique because of her dynamic story.
Dr. Grandin was diagnosed as severely autistic in the 1950s and was non-verbal until the age of four. Through intensive therapy and the tremendous help of her mother Eustacia Cutler, at a time when autistic children were routinely banished to institutions, Temple Grandin advanced and excelled. In her book Emergence: Labeled Autistic, Dr. Grandin refers to her early childhood experience as “groping her way from the far side of darkness.”
In addition to being an advocate in the field of autism education and author of many bestselling books about autism; Dr. Grandin is a Professor in the Animal Science department at Colorado State University, best-selling author of several books about animal behavior, an international consultant to the livestock industry, and an inventor. Her life story was portrayed by actress Claire Danes in the Emmy-winning 2010 HBO film based on her life, Temple Grandin.
Ms. Cutler, who was a woman ahead of her time advocating for an autistic child in the fifties, and raising such a successful daughter, is accomplished in her own right. She is a Harvard graduate and author of A Thorn In My Pocket, her book about raising Temple Grandin, A former writer of school lessons for major TV networks, today, Cutler lectures nationally and internationally on autism and its relation to the rapidly emerging bio-neurological study of brain plasticity. She discusses what causes rigid behavior in autism, the toll it takes on the family and how current research into the neural nature of consciousness is pointing toward insightful possibilities of change.
It is truly an honor to have Dr. Grandin and Eustacia Cutler join us to share their story, and offer advice to individuals and families during Autism Awareness Month. On the evening of April 22, Dr. Grandin will also be introducing and signing the latest edition of her book, The Way I See It, A Personal Look at Autism and Asperger’s, with 12 additional articles and revisions based on the most current research on the autistic brain and therapies.
We extend our sincerest appreciation to Jim Ball, Ed.D., BCBA-D, a longtime consultant to Durand, who enabled our agency to be the first to bring Dr. Grandin and Ms. Cutler to Southern New Jersey. Dr. Ball, who speaks with Dr. Grandin and Ms. Cutler across the country, is Executive Chair of the National Board of the Autism Society.
Raymond Cristofoletti
Durand, Inc.
Executive Director
Brandi Fishman
What time is the event?
Paula Pine
The event is 5pm to 9pm.
Cheryl Stanescu
Could a physical address be given of the location of the event as I not from this area. Thank you
Click on the address link in the ticket description and it will take you directly to google maps with address and directions.
Address: The Enterprise Center, 3331 Route 38. Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. The Enterprise Center at BCC.
Will more tickets be added or another time offered for the presentation because tickets are all sold out.
Jennifer Hill
Hi Marie,
Thank you for your interest in attending. At this time we are asking everyone to fill out their contact information on our waiting list. If there is an opportunity to attend due to cancellations, we will reach out to potential guests on the waiting list.
barbara mirsky
Add me to the waiting list for Temple Grandin and mom program. I
Thank you,
Barbara Mirsky
Hi Barbara
Thank you for your interest in attending. At this time we are asking everyone to fill out their contact information on our waiting list. Would you mind quickly doing that? That way we can be sure that you are added. If there is an opportunity to attend due to cancellations, we will reach out to potential guests on the waiting list. Thanks!
If enough people join the waiting list, is there the possibility that the event could be moved to a larger room in order to accommodate more people?
Lucy Clark
Hi I will be bringing my 23 year old autistic daughter with me to the event. It sounds like a very long evening. Once registered, is there the ability to be back and forth,out of the auditorium?
My daughter is very interested in Temple Grandin but may not be able to endure to lengthy portions of the program. Do you have any suggestions?
Also what is the parking situation?
Thank you!