Dr. Temple Grandin Event Sponsors
On behalf of the Durand, Inc., we would like to publicly thank the generous local sponsors of An Evening with Temple Grandin and Eustacia Cutler which will take place on January 13, 2012. With your support, this event will help raise money to keep our programs and services running. This organization could not prosper without your generous support. Thank you all again for your thoughtfulness, generosity, and continued support to Durand, Inc.
Dr. Temple Grandin Presenting Sponsor
Paws and Claws Society, Inc, http://www.pacsnj.org
Event Sponsors
Brown & Brown Insurance, www.bbinsurance.com
Cooper Foundation, http://www.foundation.cooperhealth.org
Dimitri J. Ververelli, Inc., http://www.djvinc.com
Family Affaires, www.familyaffaires.com
Pro Computer Services (PCS), www.helpmepcs.com
SJ Magazine, www.sjmagazine.net
Southern New Jersey Business People (SNJBP), www.snjbp.com
Oak Ridge Consultants
SQ Productions, www.sqproductions.com
TD Bank, www.TDBank.com
Hatfield Quality Meats, www.hatfieldqualitymeats.com
Impressions, LLC, www.impressionspr.net
JB Autism Consulting, www.jbautismconsulting.com
TOC Chauffeured Transportation, www.toclimo.com